Azure CosmosDB Explorer Now in Public Preview!

Azure CosmosDB has just been released for public preview!

This is a full standalone web-based version of the Data Explorer which a lot of customers already use in the Azure Portal. With Cosmos DB Explorer, the features of this include:

  • Full screen real estate for customers queries and results.
  • Customers can access their database account and collections using a connection string without having to access the Azure subscription or portal.
  • The ability to share query results with authorised peers who don’t have access to the Azure portal.
  • Work with Cosmos DB data without having to use downloaded tools.

From the Azure Portal, customers can now open their account in Cosmos DB Explorer by clicking the ‘Open Full Screen’ button in the Data Explorer blade.

In the dropdown dialog customers can now choose the type of access they would like to open the account with and click ‘open’, the ‘read and write’ is the default option. The option to now copy the Cosmos DB Explorer link and share with colleagues, for example if a customer wanted to share read-only results of a query with teammates who don’t have access to the Azure Portal.

When Cosmos DB Explorer is opened this way the access is set to expire after a few hours for security reasons. After this amount of time a re-connection will need to be made using a valid Cosmos DB connection string to the account.

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