Insecure Client-initiated Renegotiation error on TMG

When running an SSLLABS SSL Server Test against a site that is published on TMG you may get the following error “Insecure Client-initiated Renegotiation – Supported INSECURE”


To resolve this error on TMG do the following:

  • Ensure KB980346 is installed on your TMG server
    • If not install it via Windows Update
  • You can disable Insecure Renegotiation by adjusting the following registry key
    • Navigate toHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetControlSecurityProvidersSCHANNEL” in REGEDIT
    • Create the following DWORD “AllowInsecureRenegoClients” with a value of 0

  • Restart server


Now if you run the SSLLABS check all is good J

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