SharePoint 2013–Managed Metadata


Metadata holds a crucial role in helping people find information faster and more precisely,
You may be familiar with Managed Metadata from SharePoint 2010, and in SharePoint 2013 there remains three core components; Managed Terms, Enterprise Keywords and Term Store.
Managed Terms might be self-explanitory but essentially these are pre-defined and organised into a hierarchy with appropriate permissions. A Term refers to any phrase or word that is given to identity specific content or information.
Enterprise Keywords represent Terms which are added to individual items within SharePoint and form part of a non-hierarchical Term Set.
The final key component is the Term Store which is, you may have guessed by now, the place where Managed Terms and Enterprise Keywords data is stored.
Terms themselves can be stored in one of two Term Sets; Local or Global. Local Term Sets are available in the context of the current Site Collection whereas global Term Sets can be in the context of the entire SharePoint Farm.


Like many Service Application in SharePoint 2013, no major prerequisites apply. Managed Metadata is available in Enterprise edition, so if you’re using Standard, it’s time to consider a licence upgrade. Things you will be asked for during deployment that need to be considered are:

  • Application Pool Identity
  • Managed Terms and Term Sets (check this TechNet article)

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