Lync 2013 Q & A

One of the new features of the recent July 2013 Lync 2013 updates is the introduction of a more formal Q&A feature in Lync meetings. It is accessed from the Meeting Content button:
Once the Q&A session has started, attendees can ask questions in the meeting. The questions can then be answered by anyone who is a presenter in the meeting. Questions are marked with the time that they were asked and the name of the person who asked it. Additionally, when a question has been answered, the answer is also time-stamped and marked with the name of the person who answered it.
The following screen shows the Q&A session screen (where I have been asking myself some searching questions!):
Note the options for “Stop Q&A” and “Save as”.
“Stop Q&A” is a toggle button and allows presenters to stop or start Q&A.
“Save as” allows a presenter to save the Q&A session as a text file. The information about the time the question was asked and answered as well as the people who asked/answered is recorded in the text file:
I think this is a very useful addition to the Lync meeting “tool bag”!
Brian Cain

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