As part of an OCS 2007 R2 decommissioning, a migration task is to enable Microsoft Exchange 2010 Outlook Web App and IM integration.
As this was previously configured for OCS Integration I wanted to change the Instant Messaging server name from the OCS 2007 R2 server to the Lync Pool Name.
To change the instant messaging server name I used the following PowerShell commands from the Exchange Management Shell.
To find the OWA virtual Directory

  • Get-OwaVirtualDirectory |fl

For a specific server you can use the following command.
(Please note the OWA directory name may be different. Please run the command above to confirm.)

  • Get-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity “<ServerName>owa (default Web Site)” |fl

To change the instant messaging server name use the following command

  • set-OwaVirtualDirectory -Identity “<ServerName>owa (default Web Site)” -InstantMessagingServerName <LyncPoolName>

And your done !

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