Recording a Microsoft Teams Meeting

How to record a Microsoft Teams meeting on Windows 10

At this current time Microsoft Teams does not have in-built recording for sessions/meetings, because of this Microsoft are suggesting to use 3rd party software such as Camtasia and the game DVR feature that is inbuilt into the Xbox app. The only drawback of having to use 3rd party software to record with is that only the person that is recording will actually know the session is being recorded, therefore it is good to let the other participants know before you go ahead. To pull up the Xbox recording feature firstly if you do not already have the app then download from the Microsoft store. Now open Teams and make sure it is selected then simply hit the ‘windows key and the ‘G’ key at the same time. Once done this will bring up a window that looks like this:

You will now want to select the tickbox that says ‘Yes, this is a game’. This will then bring up another window to start recording, however just before you do start to record you will need to click the option to record your mic which is highlighted in the below image. You should also see the folder icon in the bottom left, once you have finished with your recordings you can click the folder to navigate to the location where your recordings will be kept.

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