Staffordshire Career Fairs

This month we are participating at various career fairs in high schools around Staffordshire and can’t wait to be a part of many more of the upcoming events.

The career fairs are held at multiple high schools up and down the UK and aim to get students involved with local businesses, discuss further education, find out more about apprenticeships and of course, it is a great way to interact with employees from the attending businesses to find out about their career paths and experience.

Our apprentices (and/or) former apprentices attend the career fairs to inform the students around the risual apprenticeship scheme. We think it is highly important for our apprentices to attend the events due to the majority of them being aged 16-20 – meaning they can share their recent experience with leaving school and beginning an apprenticeship.

It is a fantastic opportunity for us to engage with the students, find out their interests and to talk about what options are available when leaving school. Our team also spend the time to show who risual are, what we do, our mission and values.

Career fairs are extremely beneficial for the students, they can get an understanding of what the local businesses do and how they got to where they are now. We find it really valuable being able to spend time with students to ensure they are aware and understand what an apprenticeship is and the benefits of being one .

risual are so passionate about apprenticeships, we feel that apprenticeships are a good alternative to higher education, giving young people the opportunity to gain on the job training whilst earning. Apprenticeships are a great way for young people to get a taste of what it is like to work in a business environment at the same time of undergoing relevant industry qualifications.

Get in touch on 01785 226444 or to find out more about our apprenticeships scheme.

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